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Guaranteed Improvement Kit: YELLOW SERIES

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ISBN: 9781869746216
KIT SIZE - number of pens

This Kit contains:

*All books can be audio-assisted via the Reading Pen.
**Activities come on a USB Card and download link. There are 5 title-specific activities for each book to deepen comprehension and learning: Running Records, CLOZE, Dice Game, Text Sequencing, Word Search and Writing.

The awesome New Heights book titles in the series are:

    1. A Cool Holiday
    2. A Seat at the Front
    3. Agent 41
    4. Can You Believe It by
    5. Caring for Tarantulas
    6. Dog Money
    7. It all began with a Wasp
    8. Mammoth on Ice
    9. Octopus Escape Artist
    10. Our Dog Uncle Buddy
    11. Pirates
    12. Shovelling Snow
    13. The Right Spot
    14. The Two Good Brothers
    15. Trash to Treasure
    16. What a Game
    17. When My Dog Died
    18. Wide Open
    19. Wild Wind
    20. Zapping Alien

    The awesome Rainbow book titles in the series are:

    1. A Japanese Visitor
    2. As Big As They Come
    3. Dog Show
    4. Earthquake
    5. Eel Be Right
    6. Guinea Pigs
    7. Loving Your Brother
    8. Make a Banana Cake
    9. Matt's Motorbike
    10. Mystery of the Missing Coins
    11. Remember the Titanic
    12. Rob, the Robot
    13. Sean's Go-Kart
    14. Skateboards Away
    15. So Good
    16. Stitches
    17. The Bullies
    18. The Camping Trip
    19. The Dog and the Possum
    20. Worrying Sounds


    Everything you need to start a group of up to 3 students (1 conferencing with teacher/tutor, 1 or 2 learning independently with a pen each) at this reading level.


    New Heights: 12 pages, 19.5cm high x 13.5cm wide
    Original Rainbow: 8 pages, 18.5cm high x 12.7cm wide

    USB Card: 8.3cm x 5.2cm

    Net: 14.5cm x 3cm x 2.5cm - only 50 grams!
    In box: 17.1cm x 8.6cm x 3.6cm

    TOTAL WEIGHT: 1.9kg